Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't even ask

(My first ever Macro photography attempts.)

So bit of a shit one today, for various reasons all of which are probably the related to very little sleep. I got yelled at by some DOUCHE at the traffic lights. See my car had this spray painted thingo i made on the drivers side. Usually I just get strange looks and the occasional laugh and nod, but today I got "YEH WELL FUCK OFF THEN, YOU CRAZY BITCH" which is just...charming.

I went on some adventures today though which was pretty wiki. Right near my (soon to be) apartment is a vintage and antique store, called Blue Bird Vintage. Its just meant to be really, with the amount of money I won't have when I start paying the rent.Anyway check it out Perthians.

Also went to a designer fabric store called Materialise. The guy there was Austrian but described himself as "very West Aussie" haha. Heaps of Liberty and Amy Butler fabrics. Heaps of dollars too, but worth it. These are peoples hands at work. I bought this cute Wizard of Oz inspired print, in 3 colour ways. (sorry bout the scan quality!)

Listening to: The Antlers, Hospice and thinking about James again.

Song lyric in waiting: "My shattered heart is angry at its own mending."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Everybody meet Shea, Shea everybody.

this is the boy that romance novels get written about. he's a total beefcake and i miss him like crazy right now. he better be reading my freakin blog too.

guess you haven't heard

Michelangelo is crazy good.
My sister (below, fast becoming my muse) wrote an essay about this painting titled 'The Last Judgment.' Kind of inspired me a little.

Been a bit distant this last week. Shea's went to Sydney to see Wilco play. I'm so jealous. We are getting our first house together this week, I'm so excited.



About Me

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I'm doing Fashion and Textiles at Curtin Uni. Here are my thoughts and work.