Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Orchestrating Accidents

This semester I working on the ideas of perfection- accident- imperfection. The works above are ideas focused around the idea of "evidence of accidents" like stains, breaks, spills etc. I have been instigating accidents all week. Positioning glasses of red wine in prime elbow territory and breaking Shea's pens to try and get ink stains. Yes, I am annoying.

Its very interesting work I am enjoying creating this series, that will hopefully get translated somehow to fabrics.

I don't have a camera right now but if i did i would post some images of my new spring wardrobe i have been making. Spring is so welcome.

Monday, August 9, 2010

lately i've been feeling homemade, i'm special but i'm cheap, i'm cheap but real, like i know where each part of myself comes from.

my heads all crumbly today. i keep going to do something and then think of something else to do and try to do that while thinking of something else. i feel like my teeth are trying to get out when i'm not paying attention. i'm still sick and keep coughing, its exhausting. you forget how much you need an uninterrupted air supply hey. i wish i felt more sure of myself today, i could have done with that kind of support. ughh yeh today was a baddy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to dance in a nightclub for dummies.

Part 1:

Boys: first- the "come get on ma dick bitch pout"

You MUST master this upper lip curl and simultaneously combine it with the "chin nodd" in time with the music. this is essential. if you cannot do this you should be at home with nanna. Keep in mind however that even nanna's can crank the pout so she might might bail on you for a bump and grind down at the club come 8:30.

Second- "spastic fish with legs move"

This is also in conjunction with the "come get on ma dick bitch pout" and "chin nodding" and can be executed by simply imagining what a fish might look like, out of water, unable to breathe, with legs and some rhythmic capabilities. Some of the really fly boys add an the basic "crotch grab move" which I'm sure you are all familiar with by now, originally pioneered by the one and only - MJ R.I.P.

epic grab there Mike.
Thirdly- Location Location Location

Chicks LOVE IT when you subtly dance around them, like just behind them. We love that shit. It communicates that you want said bitch, but not enough to actually buy her a drink, its mysterious and a little bit bad ass, turning. me. ON. It is okay to occasionally even go for a feel but DON'T LET HER KNOW IT WAS YOU (unless she is into it...or doesn't notice cos she's drunk and therefore missing feeling in most of her limbs, then its all go.)

Note: Spotting a potential mate/bump and grind partner.

Make sure she's a bit of a slut, look for classic signs like bad hair extensions, clumpy eye make-up, three or four drinks in hand that she is "holding for her friends cos they needed to chuck a piss ayyyyy" Yep, you got er' what a catch. Once you got her its important you postion yourself in the grind position. Legs wide, shoulders loose, hands on her hips and let her do the rest, bitch knows where to go yerrr boiiii.

If your an ugg, better spin her around, get her another drink and wait for her to loose 20/20 vision :D

Follow these instructions and you will never fail.


today i went to work to earn the rent for my wicked house. tonight i'm going to...wait for it...capitol/amps. its the safest bet on a saturday. here are some shots from the holiday, sentosa island butterfly farm. with a parrot that is LOOKING RIGHT AT ME. been having alot of religious conversations with various religious people. trying not to be mean to them...i'm sorry but sometimes i don't think you know what is coming out of your mouth.

also becoming a little bit feminist as well. its weird.

new song : lately i've been feeling homemade, special and cheap, cheap and real, like i know
where each part of myself came from.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

see you in the morning.

epic jump. man vs wild -esque.

me and some friends went for a walk through the bush. here's some photo's.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hound Dog Taylour and the Houserockers

Waterfront Hotel, dessert time. They had an in house dessert chef (i'm sure there's a name for it...). She made the most delicious crepes. We got nice and fat on mango juice and these.

Today was pretty good, miri and i cruised around ikea, lapping up all the pretty minimalist design and wishing we actually owned homes to fill with useless swedish junk.

I have been watching too much daytime tv and i actually HATE Koshie. Oh and the election. Yes, my hair is the same colour as Julia Gillards, well done, you are very clever, no i don't know if i will be voting for her, it depends on who you are voting for and whether I can be bothered giving you the shits today. loser.

Singapore, Clark Quay

riverside mother f*cker.

Got this top for less than $5 aus. probably cos its hideous, but i know why i like it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

travel is so good.

recently i went to Cebu and Singapore for a wedding. Cebu is a city in The Phillipians, its similar to Bali without the tourism that would probably make it wealthy. It was unsafe to go around the city but the bride's family lived in a middle class area and we had a short meal with them. This photo is some of the neighbours.

Cebu really made me think about wealth. A can of Coke in Cebu costs less than 5 cents Australian, and it is considered a luxury to have it in the family home. There are slums and makeshift houses in alleyways and on river fronts. I'm rich. i'm rolling in it.

i'll be back soon with more.

Monday, July 5, 2010

B.B King and I are related.

It's a stretch, I know, but imagine if he was.

I bought (well shea bought and i promised to pay him day....maybe) BB King's Definitive Greats cd. He's just too good.

Went op shopping and spent money I should have used on more important food But i got some wicked boots and who needs to eat right?

Had a band practice too! we have atleast 4 songs that are inches away from being finished. I need to start gathering drums of some kind. Speaking of music, my boo (oh god thats such a dumb slang word, never again, sorry) has started a music blog. He's just done a quick review on the new Arcade Fire single. So if you're keeeen?

Also Jenny Lewis is one of the most beautiful creatures this world has ever birthed.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Here's To You Mrs Robinson

Argh its been YAGES. Sorry folks, I moved out and just got the internet again. Things have died down since uni finished and I'm off on a holiday soon!

Best thing of the holidays so far. 'Not so Penguin Island' with co. We waded out to the island, which is about 500 metres from the mainland, got there and this LAME ranger guy told us the island is "closed" and that we had to "go back". Oh its winter by the way, so the water is FUCKING COLD. it was actually really cool though, we had a good lunch and kicked the footy around. Photo's courtesy of Miri xx I'll be back soon with more.

"I sure like that candy" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Mojo

Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't even ask

(My first ever Macro photography attempts.)

So bit of a shit one today, for various reasons all of which are probably the related to very little sleep. I got yelled at by some DOUCHE at the traffic lights. See my car had this spray painted thingo i made on the drivers side. Usually I just get strange looks and the occasional laugh and nod, but today I got "YEH WELL FUCK OFF THEN, YOU CRAZY BITCH" which is just...charming.

I went on some adventures today though which was pretty wiki. Right near my (soon to be) apartment is a vintage and antique store, called Blue Bird Vintage. Its just meant to be really, with the amount of money I won't have when I start paying the rent.Anyway check it out Perthians.

Also went to a designer fabric store called Materialise. The guy there was Austrian but described himself as "very West Aussie" haha. Heaps of Liberty and Amy Butler fabrics. Heaps of dollars too, but worth it. These are peoples hands at work. I bought this cute Wizard of Oz inspired print, in 3 colour ways. (sorry bout the scan quality!)

Listening to: The Antlers, Hospice and thinking about James again.

Song lyric in waiting: "My shattered heart is angry at its own mending."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Everybody meet Shea, Shea everybody.

this is the boy that romance novels get written about. he's a total beefcake and i miss him like crazy right now. he better be reading my freakin blog too.

guess you haven't heard

Michelangelo is crazy good.
My sister (below, fast becoming my muse) wrote an essay about this painting titled 'The Last Judgment.' Kind of inspired me a little.

Been a bit distant this last week. Shea's went to Sydney to see Wilco play. I'm so jealous. We are getting our first house together this week, I'm so excited.


Monday, April 26, 2010

I am ready to owe you anything

Went and saw Kick Ass today and I really, really think you should see it asap. There are some awesome fight scenes and its pretty funny. Plus the hero is a 13 year old girl who murders drug dealers, so it's pretty much selling itself.

Boots: Sportsgirl
Tights: Sox and Jox
60's Mini: Retro clothing place in Brunswick street
Blouse: Target
Leather Jacket: Op Shop

and boyfriend, Shea x

One of the coolest women ever. Liz Phair. Fuck and Run.

The Runaways. Five more of the coolest women ever.

Read this and groupies become your next career choice.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

leggings - i made them today
boots- op shop
blue jersey maxi dress- made that too
dyed back drop- yeh i made that as well

i also made this purse thing today, which is pretty rad for a first prototype.

listening to - Linda Ronstadt, You're No Good and thinking about this for my next tatoo-

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Miriam: This is social degregation.
James: I have nothing profound to say
Alex: Write about how awesome I am
Alison: Don't EVER trust a blue budgie

Told you I would put it on my blog.

I have to think of a new concept for Tec and it has to run on the vein of "australiana" which has been done to death already, so.... awesome.

I wanted to look at the monsters in the books of revelations and ezekiel from the bible. Take inspiration from the descriptions the prophets gave. I used to be pretty religious until I realised that religion has nothing to do with God.

I think dressing men (its a menswear assignment) as these monsters suggests that religion is created by people, not by God, and that we made it somewhat of a monster. It might be a stretch though, especially if I have to put something to do with Australia in there.

Maybe I'll just looks at some bushrangers.

Feckin Australia.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One day I'll go to my doctor and tell him I don't want to grow up
Cos growin ups' a kind of torture
He'll say 'here honey,
Take some drugs,
And you'll be fine.'

- Vessel by ... Me.

Everyone is falling for the pastels this winter. Myself included. So I thought I would post this picture (one of the many assignments this term that SUCK to do but actually turn out pretty cool) to remind myself that colour, no matter how blatent or subtle should make you stop and just absorb what is going on around you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

your southern can is mine.

listened to the white stripes all day. yeh boi.

So here are some pics of my first second year "creation." Its knitted on GIANT needles using stretch jersey, wool and a cotton blend. My teacher is a bit wound tight, hopefully she understands the theatrical element to it. It's based on a spider orchid.

Model: Natalia (my amazing sister)
Hair and Make-Up: Natalia
Shoes: Tony Bianco
Photos: Me

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Listening to- The Slow Club.

'It doesn't always have to be beautiful, unless its beautiful.'

I'm procrastinating. Spent last night with two of my favourite people and one that is fast becoming another top friend. Miri, Ali and James, we hung listening to music, smoking and drinking. Nights that don't have any plans are growing on me.

I've got the most ridiculous fear going on right now. I'm terrified of being old and married. I think its because I work in Textile Traders and the amount of women that come in because they have nothing else to do is astounding. Their kids are at school, their husbands are at work, they don't work anymore but just keep talking about how "busy" they are. They're not busy, they're just bored. Their just boring. I don't consider myself a feminist but if I ever end up like that at the age of 45, with nothing but kids and a morgage to my name, I'll be so ashamed.

ergh harsh words. sorry.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the boys are back in town

Japandroids said it.

hoollllyyy shit balls!

all my assignments are due in a week.

i have to play netball and its raining. i fucking hate rain. and netball. so i probably won't play but still.


Shea bought massive packets of lollies from this wholesale place and i have already eaten my body weight.

Its all happening here!!!!

So this week all I will be doing is crazy knitting at record speed because i am on a constant sugar high. if you find me disheveled, wandering down the road, knitting needles in hand i would steer clear, i'm probably looking for someone to stab. and i would hate to stab you.


About Me

My photo
I'm doing Fashion and Textiles at Curtin Uni. Here are my thoughts and work.